Application Guide Without Service Fee Guide you how to apply for studying in Beijing Sport University & Study in bsu


Students who intend to study at Beijing Sport University may apply for Chinese Government Scholarship, Beijing Government Scholarship and Confucius Institute Scholarship.

1. Application

Chinese Government Scholarship:
The scholarship applicatio n should be directed to the Chinese Embassy or Consulate in the applicant’s home country. Please find out the application deadline for your country in advance.

2. Beijing Government Scholarship
1) Non Chinese citizen.
2) Non Chinese Government Scholarship Students.
3) Applicants should study at Beijing Sport University as undergraduates or postgraduates.
4) Applicants should obey Chinese Laws and all the rules and regulations of Beijing Sport University.

(2) Application is usually from middle of Oct. to middle of Nov. each year.

(3) Categories
1) Full Scholarship covers full tuition of one academic year.
2) Half Scholarship covers half tuition of one academic year.
3) 1/4 Scholarship covers 1/4 tuition of one academic year.

(4) Materials
1). Application Form of Beijing Government Scholarship

(5) Distribution
1) The scholarship is granted to the new students who gain a high score in the entrance examination.
2) The scholarship is granted to the undergraduates with a relatively high average score.
3) The scholarship is granted to the postgraduate with science research ability and creativeness ability.

(6) Process of Application
Submission of the application form→ Assessment of BSU Beijing Government Scholarship Committee →Publication of the name-list→ Approval of the name-list→ Distribution

3. Confucius Institute Scholarship
Beijing Sport University is authorized by Hanban to enroll the Confucius Institute Scholarship students who will be studying Chinese language in China for one semester or one year. Applicants should submit application to the Education Section of Chinese Embassies Overseas, the Confucius Institute in the applicant's home country or other related organizations.

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